
Project name Project description
Modern Approach to Teaching Classes at the University Level in Theoretical Computer Science

Within this initiative, supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the EEA Grants and Norwegian Grants, the Technical University of Košice (TUKE) Slovakia, and the University of Oslo (UiO) Norway, are collaborating to enhance and innovate the teaching of courses focused on theoretical computer science, using modern approaches and tools.

One of the main goals is the planned development of an interactive teaching tool through which users can study the fundamental principles of deduction and manipulation with proofs as programs. During in-person and regular online meetings, members of the research team will share their long-term experience in teaching courses related to logic, type theory, and semantics of programming languages.

Among the other objectives of the initiative are cooperation in the development of new teaching materials for both parties, research in the field of proof assistants’ development, with a focus on precise visualization of the proof process emulation and its use in teaching, as well as the possibilities of gamification of the teaching process. The results obtained from the initiative will be implemented in the teaching process, and innovative research findings will be presented at international scientific conferences.

Inovácia vzdelávania predmetov zameraných na kybernetickú bezpečnosť v kontexte požiadaviek praxe
Cieľom projektu je obsahová a metodická inovácia predmetov zameraných na kybernetickú bezpečnosť v oblasti počítačových sietí, ktoré sú vyučované na Katedre počítačov a informatiky, Fakulty elektrotechniky a informatiky, Technickej univerzity v Košiciach. Vzhľadom na zriadenie samostatného študijného odboru Kyberbezpečnosť bolo potrebné vytvoriť nové predmety, ktoré svojim obsahom dokážu vzdelávať v kontexte aktuálnych trendov a podľa požiadaviek praxe. Keďže sa jedná o progresívnu oblasť IT je dôležité ponúknuť kvalitné didaktické podklady po stránke metodickej i metodologickej s využitím bádateľských prístupov a interdisciplinárnym presahom. Tento projekt taktiež reflektuje na pribúdajúce požiadavky zamestnávateľov získať kvalitných absolventov, ktorých je v tejto oblasti na Slovensku vzdelávaných v porovnaní s iným IT špecializáciami minimum. Výsledkom riešenia projektu by mala byť inovácia troch predmetov, ktoré povedú ich absolventov k získaniu priemyselných medzinárodne uznávaných certifikácií. Zároveň bude pozornosť venovaná prispôsobeniu obsahu aj na dištančné vzdelávanie, vzhľadom na skúsenosť z posledného obdobia, ktoré zastihlo mnohých jednotlivcov i inštitúcie nepripravené. Vytvorený obsah bude zároveň voľne zdieľaný pre iné vysoké školy a širokú verejnosť.
Towards an ecologically valid symbiosis of BCI and head-mounted VR displays: focus on collaborative post-stroke neurorehabilitation (ReHaB)

We propose a user-friendly wearable low-power smart BCI system with an ecologically valid VR environment in which both the patient and therapist collaboratively interact via their person-specific avatar representations. On the one hand, the patient voluntarily, and in a self-paced manner, manages their activity in the environment and interacts with the therapist via a BCI-driven mental imagery process. This process is computed and rendered in real-time on an energy efficient wearable device. On the other hand, the therapist's unlimited motor and communication skills allow him to fully control the environment. Thus, the VR environment may be flexibly modified by the therapist allowing for different occupational therapy scenarios to be created and selected following the patient's recovery needs, mental states, and instantaneous responses.

European Research Network on Formal Proofs

If testing can reveal errors in computer programs, only formal verification can guarantee their absence. The highest Evaluation Assurance Levels of the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation require automatically checked mathematical proofs of correctness. Proofs are also the basis of mathematics and many sciences, and thus are very important in education and research.

In many computer technologies, developers and users rely on standard languages and protocols for exchanging data and enabling tool interoperability: TCP/IP for network communication, HTML for web pages, etc. This is however not the case for formal proofs, which is a major bottleneck for their adoption by the industry. The main reason is that, currently, proof systems use mutually incompatible logical foundations. Fortunately, only small parts of the proofs developed in a system use features that are incompatible with other systems.

Europe is a leading actor in the area of formal proofs: about 65% of the proof systems of the world are developed in Europe, including the two most used proof assistants, Coq and Isabelle.

This Action aims at boosting the interoperability and usability of proof systems and making formal proofs enter a new era. For the first time, it gathers all the developers and users of proof systems in Europe. To make the proofs exchangeable, they will express, in a common logical framework, the logical foundations of their systems and develop tools for inter-translation of the proofs developed in individual systems to and from this common logical framework.

Promoting Sustainability as a Fundamental Driver in Software Development Training and Education

Interactive pattern-driven language development

The goal of this project is to explore novel approaches to formal language design and implementation. They should be based on synthesis of methods from the fields of formal languages, human-computer interaction and data analysis.
Language design and implementation process should be interactive and explorative activity, where language designer is able to experiment with design of the language notation and associated tools and immediately adjust language definition based on the results. To achieve this it would be required to design new methods for automated inference of language specification based on abstract syntax, example sentences and interaction with language designer.

Semantic Modeling of Component-Based Program Systems

The main goal of this project is to investigate the construction and behavior of component-based systems to ensure their reliability and desired behavior. To ensure the reliable execution of a complex program system composed of components, not only its static construction but also its dynamic behavior plays an important role. Thus the meaning of the basic concepts has to be precisely understood and rigorous rules have to be followed. However, while the construction of component-based program systems is well described in various publications with respect to practical aspects for working programmers, only a few publications define the construction of component-based systems formally. This research is based on the expertise of the Slovak partner on the categorical semantics of programs, on the expertise of the Austrian partner on logical system modeling and analysis, and on the fruitful cooperation of both partners in a previous collaboration project.

Setting the trends in IoT education
This project addresses the development of skills involving the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) (also known as Industry 4.0)
technologies. The main focus falls on training, teaching and learning activities that better prepare the future IoT educators and
instructors at the vocational and higher educational levels, and also indirectly, the users/developers/entrepreneurs/innovators that
will shape the future of IoT. The project focuses on the development of core educational materials and of an open online community
to consume, share, review and enhance these materials. This will ensure a dynamic IoT educational platform where persons
interested in this field will interact directly.
Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs

MIDIH "Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs", is a "one stop shop" of services, providing industry with access to the most advanced digital solutions, the most advanced industrial experiments, pools of human and industrial competencies and access to "ICT for Manufacturing" market and financial opportunities.

MIDIHs will leverage networks of local Competence Centres, each specialised in peculiar aspects of the CPPS/IIOT (Cyber Physical Production System / Industrial Internet of Things) technologies and able to attract, mentor and nurture local Manufacturing SMEs towards Industry 4.0 projects, experiments and business. A common platform of knowledge, methods and collaboration tools will be shared among the MIDIHs network and allow cross-border fertilisation, continuous improvement, open innovation.

Návrh a vývoj verifikovateľnej BDI architektúry pre IDS s využitím komponentových systémov a systémov virtuálnej reality
V súčasnej informačnej spoločnosti je počítačová bezpečnosť nesporne veľmi aktuálnou oblasťou výskumu. V tejto oblasti musí byť obzvlášť kladený dôraz na návrh a vývoj spoľahlivých a bezpečných programových systémov. Jednou z možností ich vývoja je využitie komponentových systémov. V tomto projekte rozšírime pasívnu rolu IDS na aktívnu (t.j. automatizované reakcie systému na detegované sieťové narušenie). Na to využijeme inteligentnú BDI architektúru, ktorú navrhneme pre naše účely. Pri návrhu takejto architektúry musí byť obzvlášť kladený dôraz na jej korektnosť a spoľahlivosť. To bude zaručené využitím vhodných verifikačných formálnych metód. Navrhnutú architektúru implementujeme ako komponentový systém, kde jednotlivé komponenty budú predstavovať funkčné jednotky BDI architektúry. Ďalším cieľom bude vytvorenie vhodného používateľského rozhrania prostredníctvom systémov virtuálnej reality kvôli empirickému overovaniu práce s navrhnutým systémom.