
Project name Project description
Enhancing cognition and motor rehabilitation using mixed reality

Technological advancements based on mixed reality (MR) offer various challenges for research and medical treatment. The project focuses on two objectives related to healthy subjects and hemiparetic patients after stroke. First, we will test the hypothesis whether cognitive training using appropriately designed MR environment will enhance perceptual and cognitive performance in healthy subjects. This will be tested by computerized psychological experiments as well as by measuring event-related potentials or ERPs. Second, we will test the hypothesis whether experience with training in MR (in combination with motor-imagery based brain-computer interface developed by us) will enhance oscillatory sensory-motor rhythms. This will be tested by measuring subject’s EEG activity before and after each training session, clinical testing, as well as by the questionnaires aiming to learn about human factors including mental fatigue, motivation, irritation or sleepiness due to training. In both objectives, we will design and implement a set of testing procedures, carry out a battery of dedicated experiments, and critically evaluate the results with the goal to validate MR designs.

Intelligent Dynamic Spectrum Access Management for the Future Cognitive Communication Networks

Hlavná technologická výzva sprevádzaná 5. generáciu mobilných komunikačných systémov je efektívne využitie dostupného frekvenčného spektra. Statické prideľovania frekvenčného spektra sa javí ako nedostatočné a jedno z možných riešení tohto problému je dynamické prideľovanie spektra pri použití technológie kognitívneho rádia. Technológia kognitívneho rádia je v súčasnosti mimoriadne diskutovaná oblasť, v ktorej sa otvára celé spektrum vyšetrovaných tém. Dynamické pridelovanie spektra je možné považovat za jednu z najvýznamnejších. Za základne funkčné bloky kognitívneho rádia je možné označiť blok monitorovania spektra, blok distribúcie a zdieľania spektra a nakoniec ekonomický blok distribúcie spektra. Súčasný stav poznania v oblasti dynamického prideľovania spektra sa výrazne limituje na analýzu vyšetrovania prevádzkových vlastností jednotlivých blokov, avšak ich vzájomná optimalizácia v dôsledku vysokej komplexity kognitívnej rádiovej siete je často obchádzaná. S cieľom riešiť tento problém, bude projekt IDR-KKS zameraný na vzájomnú optimalizáciu prevádzkových parametrov monitorovania a zdieľania spektra a ich dopad na navrhnuté ekonomické modely uvažovaných bezdrôtových štandardov 5G. Za účelom zachytenia vysokej dynamiky kognitívnej rádiovej siete, budeme v rámci projektu IDR-KKS uvažovať agentový prístup k modelovaniu a simulácií, ktorý sa ukázal ako veľmi efektívny v iných vedných odboroch (fyzika, ekonómia). Efektívnosť navrhnutých agentových modelov bude verifikovaná podľa vhodne zvolených scenárov. V rámci projektu IDR-KKS bude tiež realizovaná experimentálna kognitívna rádiová sieť umožňujúca verifikovať agentové modely aj v reálnej prevádzke.

Implementation of Modern Methods and Education Forms in the Area of Security of Information and Communication Technologies towards Requirements of Labour Market

The increasing development of information society and its globalization is growing proportionally with the need to appropriately secure information and communication technologies. In this context, in the area of computer security there is an increasing demand for highly qualified professionals, where the current demand exceeds the offers of the labor market. Such a disproportion exerts high requirements on education in the area of security of particular university study programs. In order to successfully handle such a task, it is necessary to consider specialized university courses within the educational process along with an arising need for a close relation between particular courses of the study program. It may be expected that the deepening of the mutual relation between Informatics courses and the computer and software engineering, regarding security issues of the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), will result in the increased quality of student preparation of the Informatics program. This is why the strategic goal of this project is to search for new methods, forms and technologies to transfer knowledge from the area of security to courses of the other study programs, using a suitable platform towards strategic requirements of the labor market. The solution will be implemented regarding the main goals, namely the innovation of the study Informatics program at the DCCI FEEI TUKE towards the issues of the ICT security, technical ensuring of the new education form in selected courses, and the creation of guides and examples for a practical application of the security knowledge towards the other courses. Students will be able to implement pragmatic project tasks, defined by the corresponding course, with a practical usethe result. As expected by the research team, this will have a positive impact on the quality of the education in the Informatics study program.

ViLMA: Virtual Laboratory for Malware Analysis

The project aims to provide an innovative learning environment for computer security and research in the field of malicious software. Students will address the issue of malicious software at different levels, such as operating systems, computer networks, programming and reverse engineering. Innovative learning environment is based on a separate virtual platform, with the possibility of experimentation and examination of any attacks and threats without restrictions. Laboratory tools and resources allow students practical familiarity with the current trends in computer security and malicious software detection.

Focusing Education on Composability, Comprehensibility and Correctness of Working Software

The main objective of the project is to train educators from selected universities (e.g. partners are training other partners in this project) in the field of functional programming (FP) and closely related areas of informatics that this trained university staff then will contribute to the increasing of the level of education at their home university. Partners train other partners in selected area of FP by sharing their research results and using their (specific) teaching experience and methods. We expect novel knowledge to be taught in all theoretical levels.

Update of computer networks curricula based on needs of practice

The objective of this project is to update computer networks curricula at three Slovak technical Universities based on actual needs of practice. A dynamic development in the fields of network technologies and updated needs of industrial certification require a change of the content scope of lecturing and practical trainings. The secondary goal of this project is to create a cooperation platform among FIIT STU, FRI UNIZA, and FEI TUKE for exchanging content bases, knowledge, pedagogues, and students by means of common courses, summer schools, and practically oriented seminars and trainings. The achievement of this project and cooperation is a higher quality product -student with a high level of proficiency, better prepared for practice. The mutual exchanging of pedagogues and PhD students will support mutual ties and will reinforce the possibilities of the future scientific and pedagogical cooperation. This project will establish a new shared educational content for university students, implement into the education new items of multimedia content, collaborative tools and it will improve practical trainings as a precondition of better preparation of graduates for practice.

Computer-Aided Decision Support System for Hepatic Encephalopathy

The goal of this project is to provide deep speech and handwriting analysis and investigate whether speech and handwriting can be used for diagnosis and monitoring of hepatic encephalopathy and whether there exists relationship between speech, handwriting and other biomarkers in hepatic encephalopathy. The number of novel signal processing algorithms, which reveal alteration in handwriting and speech more accurately than existing approaches, are proposed, giving rise to new group of features. The robust feature selection algorithms select the optimal subset of these features, which are fed into non-parametric regression and classification algorithms, mapping the signal processing algorithm outputs to stage of hepatic encephalopathy. Even though proposed project is focused on particular disease, we expect that some of the outputs, such as new features will be applicable also for other diseases.

Pattern based domain-specific language development

Domain-specific programming languages (DSL) provide a way to reduce the gap between problem solution described in terms of domain and its implementation executable by computer. Development of such languages is, however, still complex and tedious task.

The goal of the project is to design methods and tools that would support development of DSLs using formalized patterns — well-established solutions to common problems. Patterns would represent knowledge in the area of language design and implementation in a form that can be easily applied to development of a new language.

This would require identification of common patterns of language design and implementation and design of methods and tools for their utilization during development process. This includes methods for language specification based on pattern selection and combination and also automatized suggestion of patterns suitable for solved problems.

Virtual-reality technologies in the process of handicapped persons education

The project focuses on the use of advaced methods and virtual reality technologies as progressive technologies in HCI (Human Computer Interaction) context for better, easier, faster and more attractive understanding of handicapped peoples education in those directions, which are characterized by tighter concepts. The project is a conceptual continuation of the previous pilot project. First goal is the creation of experimental workplace for validation of these technologies with subsequent impact to special pedagogical praxis. Next goal is a creation of software and support means of presentations either for desktop computers or mobile devices and the creation/extension of web page to access the developed software, procedures and examples. Particular attention is given to link these technologies with the educational process in the hearing-impaired persons and persons with multiple disabilities. It is assumed that this way will get better, faster and easier to understand the basic communication methods for these peoples, it increase their ability to correct practical application and integration into modern information society.

Integrating software processes into the teaching of programming

The strategic objective of the project is to search for new methods, forms and technologies enabling integration of teaching of software engineering processes into the programming courses at universities in computer science and information technology curricula. Currently, in the information technology courses, teaching of programming is often separated from the procedural aspect of software development. However, in practice, when developing software systems the technologies, principles and processes are inseparable and they are applied systematically throughout the whole software development process. Based on the current state of teaching at universities, in this project we will systematically focus on exploring new methods and forms of teaching software development courses, which would allow teaching of programming, technologies and processes of software development as a single harmonious unit. Building on the previous statements, we propose that the innovation of content of many software development courses is equally important as the creation of tool support that relieves teachers from uncreative and time-consuming tasks. To support programming teaching methods in the area of designing and developing tools, we will focus on the issue of simulation of software engineering process during student’s development of a software product. In the project solution, the simulation will represent members of the project team, including project manager, who will monitor and supervise the completion of tasks and procedures in the context of the defined process. The tool support will enable automation of providing immediate feedback for students, thus providing the teacher more time for individual approach to the student.