Patrik Ostrihoň (Technical Fellow, ESET)

After the graduation at the Department of computers and informatics FEI TU Košice I focused on the questions of information security and participated on the foundation of company, which developed an antispam platform, and was then passed into the ESET company by aquisition. Currently I work at ESET as a Technical Fellow and I focus on the develpment of new technologies in information security.
In our work it is important to have a creative and analytical thinking, innovative approaches and good knowledge from the area of information science. Its correct application decides about the company ranking either among the average, or reaches the world top.
The study program Infomatics is a modern and timeless program, focused on the current issues and trends in the IT field, inspired by the world's leading universities. I believe, that successful graduates of this study program will have an open door in globally known IT companies such as ESET.
Alumnus 2000Vojtech Rinik (Founder,

I was always interested in programming, so the study program Informatics on the Department of computers and informatics FEI TU Košice was a natural choice. At school, everyone finds something interesting, for example: how are phone books stored in memory, how to teach the computer to understand Slovak language, how to create an application for web or mobile, how is it possible that databases instantly find one record among billions, or how does the Turing machine look like.
I used my new knowledge in school already. During holiday I programmed on internships in IT companies in USA. These companies will give you a programming tasks to see what you know and these tasks are not too far from the Robot Karel assignments in the first year of study.
Informatics opens the doors abroad, helps to find a brilliant job in Slovakia, or to start your own business. I've never heard about an unemployed graduate of the Department of computers and informatics FEI TU Košice.
Alumnus 2014Ing. Štefan Ruska (Principal Consultant, SAP Košice)

Since I am the type who likes challenges, I was looking for them also during my studies at the Department of Computers and Informatics FEI TU Košice. Study programs are of high quality and they never hampered me in my efforts to being an exceptional student. On the contrary, professors and PhD. students were always willing to help and mentor, pushing me forward significantly.
After finishing my bachelor studies I had no problem to find a job. I worked at Ariba (currently bought by SAP) on the position of an Associate Consultant, first half-time and then later, after finishing master studies, full-time. In principle the work was about developing and managing B2B networks and customer applications. The school prepared me well, I had no problem with the interview either, no question surprised me.
In the company I leveraged the skills gained during my study and growed in my career. Many people have a feeling that it is very easy to learn programing and software development. Without a relevant education, in practice it looks everything else but good.
How does my life look like today, 6 years after finishing my studies? A skilled person employed in the IT field grows by an incredible speed. I jumped through manager positions, led large teams. And moneywise it's high above the average. I remember the good in the school, schoolmates, and especially my diploma thesis supervisor and we're still in contact. If I should select now, I would choose the Department of Computers and Informatics FEI TU Košice again.
Alumnus 2010