Dates of state exams
- State exams - masters study: 21. - 22.5.2025
- State exams - bachelor study: 17. - 19.6.2025
State exams for the bachelor's degree
The state exam for the bachelor's degree consists of the following:
- defense of the bachelor thesis,
- questions of the commission members on theoretical and technological procedures used in the thesis
- procedure of bachelors state exam
Recommended form of presentation during the bachelor thesis defense [10 min]
- [1 min]: Name of the department, (shortened) title of the thesis, student's name, supervisor's name, shortened abstract describing the essence of the thesis in one sentence.
- [1 min]: Motivation, goals of the thesis that resulted from the motivation (not formal, but content, do not repeat the official assignment)
- [2 min]: Solution design (design process, in points or/and images according to the nature of the thesis)
- [2 min]: Result of the achieved solution (fundamental structure and importance of the solution – according to the nature of the thesis in form of an image, verbally or formally), e.g. video
- [2 min]: Solution evaluation, comparison with other options and solutions
- [1 min]: Conclusion (summary)
- After the request of the commission and reading the reviews: [max. 5 min] answers to questions and comments
Note: Recommended (max) time to answer a question of the reviewer [1 min].
State exams for the master's degree
The state exam for the master's degree consists of the following:
- defense of the diploma thesis,
- questions of the commission members on theoretical and technological procedures used in the thesis
- and student's answer to a question determined by the commission from the selected topic of the state exam subject determined when delivering the thesis to the supervisor
- procedure of masters state exam
Topics of the state exam subject
For the students who finish the master's degree program Informatics (2-year study), the following topic areas apply to the state exam subject Main knowledge of the study degree Informatics and their use (masters degree):
Based on the Dean's instructions, one of the topics is selected when delivering the thesis to the supervisor according to the nature of the diploma thesis.
Recommended form of presentation during the diploma thesis defense
It is the same as in the case of bachelor theses.