V spolupráci KKUI a KPI sa nám podarilo zorganizovať pozvanú prednášku o problematike open source projektov a podpore vývoja open source softvéru nadáciou Eclipse Foundation. Prednáška je určená najmä pre doktorandov a bude sa konať v stredu 15.11.2023 od 9.00 do približne 11.00 v učebni Aurora (A504).
Obsah prednášky
- Part 1: Origin
- Free Software
- Open Source
- Licenses
- Adoption process examples
- Break
- Part 2: Practice
- Open source Best Practices
- Open source and Foundations
- Eclipse Foundation
- Take away!
Informácie o prednášajúcej
Rosaria Rossini is Research Project Manager at the Eclipse Foundation. She received the M.Sc. degree in computer science from the Università di Torino, Turin, Italy, in 2010. In 2011 she started to work as Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department, Università di Torino, where received her PhD in January 2015 and started work in ISMB. Then, She worked as a senior researcher in the IoT and Pervasive Technologies (IPT) research area in LINKS FOUNDATION and she has been involved in several international projects financed by EU as well as Regional projects. In 2022 She joined the Eclipse Foundation to help turning innovations into successful open source projects.