Reactive Meetups - Sean Grove
Sean Grove je globálne skúsený lektor, fanúšik technológií ako React, Clojure/script, Rust, GraphQL, Reason. Je zakladateľom nástroja OneGraph zjednodujúceho všetky relevantné API pod GraphQL.
V hlavnej časti bude rozprávať o ReasonML a GraphQL a o tom, ako vidí budúcnosť vývoja v oblasti webových aplikácií. Ďalej vystúpia lektori z firmy Vacuum na tému Cardano a IT talenty z EastCubator.
- Kde: Univerzitná knižnica TUKE
- Kedy: 16.05.2018
- Registrácia nutná:
- Program: 18:30 Otvorenie registrácie, 19:00 Začiatok akcie, 20:30 Diskusia, jedlo 🌭 & pivo 🍺.
- Viac info:
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Podrobný program
UX TALK (Martin Jerkovič) - Best practices in prototyping
Martin, from Before Alpha ( will cover some of the best practices in prototyping and how to shift the thinking of developers towards experimentation.
Before Alpha is an innovation studio, helping businesses like VISA, McKinsey or fast-growing startups to dentify new opportunities and unlocking their full potential to accelerate the disruption of their industries.
LIGHTNING TALK (Rafael Korbas) - Cardano Wallet Made Secure
About the first light wallet for the ADA cryptocurrency, developed by VacuumLabs.
MAIN TALK (Sean Grove) - ReasonML and GraphQL-The future of frontend and backend development
- We'll discuss the origin, advantage, and also challenges of ReasonML.
- How to incrementally adopt Reason today in your day-to-day work
- How GraphQL solves the biggest challenge Reason and Reason-like languages (or Elm, Haskell, etc.)
One of the biggest challenges faced in closed-systems like Reason (or Elm, Haskell, etc.) is interacting with the outside world,and in today's world, every application must interact with the outside world in the form of APIs. The interaction and combination of GraphQL's type system with Reason's bridges the gap, to bring both speedy and safe application development to reality today.
REASONML combines a solid foundation of OCaml with its 22 years of academic insight and industrial fortification, and a modern developer experience, tooling, and syntax that deeply mimics that of JavaScript (including JSX support), creating a powerhouse of full-stack technologies.